Download, Delete

Download Messages
Download messages in your phone to PC. Select Alcatel PC Suite common download Download, Delete to download the messages, or you can select “Phone” or “Local” and then “Right-click -> Download” to download messages. And you can check the field of Store to see if a message is downloaded from SIM card or phone.

Alcatel PC Suite sms en 2 Download, Delete


Before download messages from new phone, messages of old phone are still saved in Local Folder and Phone Folder even the software disconnects with the old phone. If you connect with a new phone and download messages, the new messages will replace the old messages in “Phone” folder and be added to the old messages in the “Local” folder.

You cannot manage messages in “Phone” folder before you download them from your phone.

Delete messages from your phone

After downloading messages from your phone to PC, click “Inbox” or “Outbox” in the “Phone” folder and Right-click -> “Delete” the messages that you want to delete, then the messages will be marked with a “delete” tag.

Alcatel PC Suite sms en 3 Download, Delete

Click Alcatel PC Suite common upload Download, Delete, the messages marked with “delete” tag will be deleted from your phone.

Delete messages in “Local” folder
Select the messages you want to delete and click on the delete button on the keyboard or Alcatel PC Suite sms del Download, Delete or Right-click -> “Delete”.

If you want to delete all the messages of a folder, please right-click the folder and select “Delete All”.


The messages in the “Phone” folder cannot be restored after the delete operation is uploaded to your phone.

The messages deleted from the “Local” folder can be restored from the “Recycle” folder. To restore a message, Right-click it and select “Restore”, then the message will be restored to the original box.

Download, Delete